Dear Eastbrook Families,
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. Happy New Year! I can’t believe it is
2025! Although the holiday season has come to
an end, the New Year resolutions and goals we
have made are in full swing! As the hustle and
bustle of the holiday season is gone, it is an excellent time for us to take a step back and reflect
upon the priorities of life, recommit and refocus to
assure that appropriate time and effort are committed to these priorities.
January will be a busy month! We have the
iReady Diagnostic beginning this month and we
cannot wait to see how much our students have
grown. Also, we have our awards ceremonies.
Please see the dates and times listed in this newsletter.
Finally, have you joined our Eastbrook Elementary
School and Elementary PTA pages on Facebook?
You may see a picture of your child’s experiences
this year and postings as it is a great way to stay
up-to-date with current information. I’m looking
forward to a successful second semester of learning!
Wishing you the best in the New Year,
Mrs. Herndon